Construction technology of SMC plastic inspection well

2014-03-14 1346


AWell pit and foundation:

  1The well pit should be excavated together with the pipe trench, and the main pipeline of the well seat should be on the same axis as the pipeline in the pipe trench during excavation. The slope of the well pit and the slope of the pipe trench are common. During well excavation, it is not allowed to disturb the foundation soil and over excavate; If the foundation soil is disturbed, the current "Construction and Inspection Standards for Water Supply and Drainage Pipeline Engineering" should be followedGB 50268According to the relevant rules, adopt remedial measures based on the soil quality of the foundation. There are rainwater inspection wells and pits in the sedimentation chamber, and the excavation depth of some sedimentation chambers should be based on the selected standards. The excavation of the well should be based on the selected standards, considering the offset elements of the main pipeline of the well seat, and the pit wall at the offset end should be flush with the pipe trench.

2In areas with high groundwater levels or during dry season construction, drainage and water level lowering methods should be implemented.

3The foundation of the Jincheng inspection well should be determined based on local geological survey data and the calculation of the pulling force under the backfill soil. When there is no information available, construction can be carried out according to the inspection well foundation diagram.

BInspection well receiving device:

1Check the sequence of the connection device between the well seat and the pipeline. The device should be installed from the upstream section of the connecting pipe first, and then proceed to the well-Pipe-well-Pipe sequence device, gradually flowing down the branch pipe and extending the main pipe.

2The construction method for connecting well seat joints with pipelines should be consistent with the construction method for connecting pipelines with the same type of joints.

3When the connection between the well seat and the inlet pipe, as well as the outlet pipe, requires a variable diameter, and a reducing joint is selected, if the inlet pipe diameter is smaller than the interface pipe diameter of the well seat, the top of the pipe should be flat; When the outlet pipe interface of the well seat is larger than the downstream pipeline, the bottom of the pipe should be flush connected.

4When using variable angle or spherical joints to adjust the slope of the pipeline, the diameter of the pipe should be315mm,Special items should be used and chain wrenches should not be used.

5The device for attaching joints should be selected based on the size of the wellbore and the diameter of the connecting channel, and a special object should be used to drill holes on the wellbore wall. The circumference of the hole should be flat, and the additional joints of the device should not have a reverse slope.

6When the groundwater level is high or during dry season construction, and when the pipeline (including inspection well) installation is completed (but no water filling experiment has been conducted), technical measures should be taken to avoid the well body floating up.

CWellbore device:

1The length of the wellbore should be the height from the bottom of the socket connecting the wellbore to the planned ground, minus the net distance from the top of the wellbore to the ground. When it is difficult to accurately determine the elevation of the local or road surface, an appropriate margin can be reserved for the length of the wellbore.

2The wellbore should be pierced straight into the well seat. When inserting the wellbore, heavy hammers should not be used to strike, and specialized tightening tools should be selected.


1Backfilling should be carried out after the drainage pipelines (including pipes and inspection wells) have been inspected and qualified, and should be carried out together with the backfilling of pipeline trenches.

2Before backfilling, sand bags, steel drills, and wooden supports can be used to fix the well seat and shaft, and the accumulated water in the foundation pit and trench should be cleaned up.

3Backfilling data: from the bottom of the pipe to the top of the pipe0.5mThe backfill data for the trenches within the scope can be made of crushed stone chips with a particle size smaller than40mmSand, high (medium) calcium fly ash, medium coarse sand, or high-quality soil excavated from trenches.

4Backfilling soil shall not use silt, waste, frozen soil, etc., and shall not contain stones, bricks, or other hard objects with sharp edges.

5In areas where the depth of permafrost is greater than or equal to1.0mWithin the frozen layer, the area around the wellbore should not be less than100mBackfill with medium coarse sand within the scope.

6Manual layered symmetrical backfilling should be used for backfilling, with a density similar to that of pipeline backfilling, and should not cause displacement or tilting of the wellbore. Mechanical backfilling is prohibited.

EManhole cover device:

1Before installing the manhole cover, the length of the wellbore should be accurately measured, and the remaining part of the wellbore should be cut open.

2The device manhole cover should be determined according to the nature of the transport medium of the inspection well, and the sewage manhole cover and rainwater manhole cover should not be mixed.

3The upper opening of the sewage inspection well with a protective cover seat should also be equipped with an inner cover.

4The base of the protective cover seat in this picture is selectedC20Fine aggregate concrete on-site pouring and compaction; If reinforced concrete prefabrication is required, it needs to be planned separately by the layout profession.

FClosed water experiment:

The closed water test should be conducted in accordance with the current technical regulations for buried plastic drainage pipeline engineering.

1.What are the usual rules for plastic inspection well devices?

Before inspecting the well equipment, necessary construction preparations should be made, and the planning unit should conduct planning disclosure. When errors are found in the construction drawings, the planning unit should be promptly informed to change the planning requirements. Before inspecting the well equipment, a sampling inspection should be conducted, and the number of sampling inspection wells should not be less than the total number of inspection wells2%And not less than2One. Attention should be paid to the engineering overview, construction methods, supply of primary equipment, and ensuring construction quality and safety when inspecting well equipment.

The sequence of plastic inspection wells and pipeline connection devices should follow the following guidelines:1Start installing from the upstream section of the connecting pipe and gradually extend downstream branch and main pipes;2Install in the order of well, pipe, well, pipe;3Firstly, locate the middle of the well body, adjust the elevation of the inspection well branch pipe bottom, and then proceed with the receiving device.

After inspecting the well device, the upper opening should be temporarily sealed. When the groundwater level is high or during dry season construction, sand bags are used to press the well body and surrounding pipe sections when the pipeline installation is completed (but no water filling experiment is conducted)

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